
About this page

This page lists counsellors and therapists with specialist knowledge of trauma related to birth. They have paid to advertise their services. While every effort has been taken to verify the counsellors on these pages, any contact with the people listed is made at your own risk.

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Online/Phone Charly Paige Online/Phone Charly Paige

Jessy Paston

Jessy works with clients who experience anxiety, low mood, self-esteem and confidence issues, loss and bereavement as well as issues around pregnancy, birth and early years, and providing specific therapeutic support for any associated traumas.

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Online/Phone, St Albans Charly Paige Online/Phone, St Albans Charly Paige

Jo Spilling

My ethos is to respond to individual needs, anxieties and distress, providing a safe space in which to work through concerns. It is my hope that through working together, counselling can help bring you relief from emotional distress, improve your relationships and help you to make constructive changes.

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Online/Phone, Leicester Charly Paige Online/Phone, Leicester Charly Paige

Mia S. Scotland

I am a mother of three boys, a clinical psychologist, and a birth doula – my experience as a doula gives me a unique understanding of what actually happens in the birthing room. I have been treating trauma successfully for over 25 years and have specialised in perinatal mental health for the past 15 years.

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Nottingham, Online/Phone Charly Paige Nottingham, Online/Phone Charly Paige

Heather Rai

The key to my approach is to create a genuine and understanding relationship with you that’s as free of judgement as possible and then to support you to find your own answers to your distress at your own pace.

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Online/Phone, Stockport Charly Paige Online/Phone, Stockport Charly Paige

Samantha Phillis

As a midwife I have a unique insight into the trauma which can occur during the perinatal period and am passionate about using this insight to support individuals, couples and families effected by birth trauma, perinatal mental health issues, feeding issues and all areas of birth trauma.

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Online/Phone, Chester Charly Paige Online/Phone, Chester Charly Paige

Emma Mathews

I am a BABCP, COSRT and EMDR Europe accredited psychotherapist and have extensive experience working within the NHS as a psychosexual therapist and a specialist midwife within perinatal mental health services. I also worked for Relate as a psychosexual and relationship therapist for several years.

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London, Online/Phone Charly Paige London, Online/Phone Charly Paige

Christina Johnson

Christina is a kind, compassionate, gentle Human Givens psychotherapist with over thirty years experience working across the social care sector including the NHS, GP surgeries, community mental health teams , the charity sector and in private practice. For the last fifteen years she has been working with those who are pregnant, giving birth or in the early months of parenthood.

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Essex, Online/Phone Charly Paige Essex, Online/Phone Charly Paige

Dr Miriam Inder

You shouldn't be left feeling upset when you think about your birth experience. Perhaps you ended up having an emergency c-section after planning a water birth. Maybe there was a medical problem with you or your baby, or you felt ignored by people who were supposed to be caring for you. Instead of being joyful and happy, as you had imagined it, your experience of giving birth felt lonely and frightening.

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Devon, Online/Phone Charly Paige Devon, Online/Phone Charly Paige

Julie Horsley

I work with women who have experienced birth-related trauma. I gently hold space for you to share your stories, explore your feelings with all the tender parts of you. I ask curious questions, offer reflections, guidance and wisdom to help you decide on how you want to move forward.

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Online/Phone Charly Paige Online/Phone Charly Paige

Sophie Harris

I am a BABCP accredited Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, specialising in pregnancy and postpartum therapy. In my practice, I regularly assist new mums to recover from traumatic births, to feel confident and content.

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Norfolk, Online/Phone Charly Paige Norfolk, Online/Phone Charly Paige

Jodie Finch

I can support individuals experiencing a range of difficulties in the perinatal period including: birth trauma, perinatal loss, adjustment to the role of parenting, tokophobia and perinatal low mood and anxiety.

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Reading, Online/Phone Charly Paige Reading, Online/Phone Charly Paige

Catherine Evans

I have 10 years of experience of working within a maternity setting as both a nurse and a midwife and in that time have developed a real interest in working with parents who feel that they need to explore their birth experience further or are daunted by the prospect of parenthood.

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Devon, Online/Phone Charly Paige Devon, Online/Phone Charly Paige

Marie Derome

I strongly believe in early intervention and I specialise in supporting parents who are struggling to bond with their babies. These kinds of struggles can be due to a traumatic birth, an early separation, parents’ own difficult childhood, past trauma, a bereavement…

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