Our supporters have raised funds for us in a wonderful variety of ways: they’ve run marathons and half marathons, held coffee mornings, taken part in pramathons and carried out skydives. One had great success with a Peaky Blinders fancy dress evening. Another sat in a cold bath every morning throughout winter – thank you, Gill!
Before you start fundraising, make sure you read our fundraising guidance. If you want to run a marathon or half marathon for us, we can send you a BTA running vest. If you’re doing another type of fundraising, we can send you a BTA t-shirt as well as a fundraising pack consisting of pens, trolley token key rings, edible BTA cake toppers and leaflets.
Sending us the funds you’ve raised from your event couldn’t be easier – you can choose the donate once’ option on our donate page, or make a one off donation of the funds you’ve raised though our JustGiving page.
Whatever you’re planning to do to raise funds, get in touch with us using the form below and we’ll send you what you need to help make your event a success. And thank you for choosing to fundraise for the BTA.
Fundraising ideas
Are you stuck for inspiration? Have a look at our list of fundraising ideas to get you started.
AUCTION – ask friends and family to donate good quality items for auction.
BAKE SALE – get baking and sell your creations in aid of the BTA.
BBQ – attendees could donate per sausage, you could even auction off the last burger to the highest bidder.
CHEESE TASTING – hold an evening in aid of the BTA where attendees can try different cheeses.
COFFEE MORNING – invite friends, family and/or colleagues to a coffee morning. Ask attendees to donate to the BTA as they enjoy cake and coffee.
FANCY DRESS WALK – you could look for sponsorship from a local business and wear something that advertises the business.
FETE – declutter and hold a fete or jumble sale to raise funds for the BTA.
KARAOKE – meet friends at a karaoke bar, hold a sponsored sing, or take donations in return for belting out some of your favourite tunes.
PRAMATHON – take a certain number of steps a day with your baby or toddler. You can do it alone or with friends.
SPONSORED TODDLE OR SPLASH – small children can be sponsored to walk a certain distance or enjoy splashing a width or two at the pool.
RUN – take part in an official running event for the BTA such as a 5k, 10k, half-marathon or a marathon. Or run virtually: rather than take part in an official event, you can commit to running the distance in your own time.
TEDDY BEARS’ PICNIC – get the teddies involved and organise a sponsored picnic.
SPONSORED SPORTING EVENT – hold a sponsored sporting event, such as a football, rounders, cricket match, or even a tug of war. The event could be mums vs dads, or children vs parents, or any other combination you can think of.
THEMED DISCO – make a playlist, get your glad rags on (or fancy dress), and ask for donations as you boogie the night away.
TODDLER GROUP BRING AND BUY SALE – pass on items that have been grown out of, replace with the next size up, and raise money for BTA at the same time.
QUIZ NIGHT – write your own questions or find some online, then ask family and friends to pay a donation to take part.
Other ways to get involved
Donate monthly
Fundraise for us
Volunteer with us
Awareness Week
“The Birth Trauma Association is the only organisation I am aware of that is attempting this insurmountable and often life-saving work. BTA, we can't thank you enough.”
— BTA Facebook group member, 2023