Give today

Your donation gets us one step closer to a world where fewer parents are traumatised by the experience of birth.

Support us to support traumatised families.

The Birth Trauma Association does not have a regular source of income, and we rely on donations to fund our work.

Every little you give helps us support more parents who have been affected by traumatic birth and campaign to improve the quality of maternity care. We particularly welcome regular donations, because they enable us to plan ahead, but if you can’t stretch to that at the moment, we’d be delighted with a one-off donation.


could help us support 12 new parents with advice and information.


could help us recruit and train four new peer supporters.


could help us recruit and train eight new peer supporters.

How we’re making a difference

SUPPORT for parents who have been psychologically distressed by traumatic birth.

Find support now

Influencing POLICY and contributing to RESEARCH to improve UK maternity care.

Our research

CAMPAIGNING and press to raise awareness and improve maternal safety.

Our impact

“The Facebook support group has really been so helpful. I’m sure I have/had PTSD but still feel uncomfortable visiting or speaking to GP as I attempted once but felt brushed off. They also didn’t have any details of my birth. So thank you for the safe, kind and informative space you have created.”

— BTA Survey Respondent, 2020

Other ways to Get involved

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Fundraise for us

Volunteer with us

Awareness Week