Our peer support services
We have a large team of peer supporters who offer support over email and phone. All our peer supporters have experienced birth trauma, and they can share what helped them recover.
If you have a preference for talking to someone who has had a similar experience to you, just mention it in your initial call or email. The team includes two dads, Steve and Dan, who support other dads, so if you’d like to deal with Steve or Dan, let us know. Read more about our peer supporters.
You may also find it helpful to read our leaflet for dads and partners.
Call us:
0203 621 6338
Email us:
Join the team
If you’ve experienced birth trauma yourself, and would like to become a peer supporter, contact our our chair and volunteer manager Rachael by filling out this form, or directly at rachael@birthtraumaassociation.org
(If you’ve previously emailed Rachael using the org.uk address, please try again - it no longer works.)
Join Our Facebook group
We have a large private Facebook group, open to both mothers and partners affected by birth trauma. It’s a good place to seek and receive support from people who understand what you’ve been through.
Zoom drop-ins
Our monthly Zoom drop-ins are currently on hold, but we hope to restart them soon. We do, however, run a monthly Zoom drop-in for dads, on the first Wednesday of each month, which is facilitated by Scott Mair of Fatherhood Solutions. You can book a place here and find out more about Scott’s work through his Instagram page here.
“I am absolutely sure the BTA saved my life, more than once – finding its Facebook support group when I was in crisis and then leading me to a therapist who brought me back to my loved ones.”
— BTA Facebook group member, 2023