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About this page
This page lists counsellors and therapists with specialist knowledge of trauma related to birth. They have paid to advertise their services. While every effort has been taken to verify the counsellors on these pages, any contact with the people listed is made at your own risk.
How to advertise
If you’d like a listing on our website, you must be accredited with the BACP or a similar professional organisation.
Please email details of your accreditation and the text for your advert (maximum 200 words). To pay, please set up a monthly standing order with your bank of £3 a month, from the 1st of the month. (Most banks now allow you to do this from their website or banking app). Just let us know when you’ve set it up.
If your bank doesn’t allow you to set up a standing order online, please print out the standing order film below, fill it in for £9.00 per quarter, out, scan it in and email it to us.
If you are not able to scan the mandate, then you can post it to the treasurer at this address. If you would like to make an additional donation, you can do so via JustGiving.
Lesley Strabel
I am a counsellor working in private practice in Cardiff, Wales. I have experience of working with birth, pregnancy and child loss, birth trauma, bystander trauma, and male and female PND. My experience has been gained through the fields of mental health and birthing support.